Purchase a site from the list of demos

Check from our vast collection above, choose anyone you'd like and we deploy for you, from here a few document tweak then you stand a chance to showcase your business to the world.

  • All Items
  • $1000 site
  • $300 site
  • $500 site
  • $800 site
  • HTML

Our deploy comes with one time fee

Our DEPLOYMENT is a kickstarter to your success in business. We take a day to fully deploy your site.

We deploy on request

We offer a 12 hour responds to your request and deploy within 36 hours. We deploy strait to your cpanel or build from scratch.

Requirements for deploy

We deploy in two ways....(1) Strait to your cpanel or (2) A complete website build.

Elvis. N

Nice deploy....thanks you really did what you promised but though i had difficulty changing the content, i had no idea of website design tho but you still solve the problem for me this is my site now https://www.santaseaenergy.com

Elvis. N
Site Owner
Daniel Contos

I really had to test this company on the hours they say they deliver but i ended up being surprised and also i have a website running with my news. https://www.primetimenewsonline.org

Daniel Contos
Site Owner

A friend introduced me to this website and trust me i have a good relationship with them now because they over delivered https://www.store.netzzwerk.com

Site Owner

Lets manage your WordPress website

We also manage websites and have the best price when it comes to WordPress site management. You can allow us manage your WordPress website that is not built by us.



  • Database optimisation
  • Total Security
  • Graphics Compression
  • Weakly Update
  • Email Update
  • Complete Monthly Site Backup
  • Support Ticket System
  • All In One SEO Dashboard
  • Special Page Time Ticker
Select Plan


  • Database optimisation
  • Total Security
  • Graphics Compression
  • Weakly Update
  • Email Update
  • Complete Monthly Site Backup
  • Support Ticket System
  • All In One SEO Dashboard
  • Special Page Time Ticker
Select Plan